Class Piano
Resource Center

Prep Level Repertory:

Uncle Willie Gets Eccentric

Composer: WDL
Historical style: Late 20th Century Postmodern

Same 5-finger hand position throughout. Both hands play independly all the time. Rhythmic complexity; eighth note remains constant throughout; changing meter.

Musical terms used in this piece:

f  (forte)
molto rit.
sustain pedal

Also see: Late 20th Century (Postmodern)

Check out Practice Suggestions:

You might find this piece a little "unusual" becase it has different key signatures in each staff. Two composers wrote pieces for piano early in the 20h century using this format: Béla Bartók (Bagatelles, 1906) and Charles Ives. Avanté-garde composes experimented with this idea throughout the 20th century.

You will notice that the RH only plays BLACK NOTES and the LF only plays WHITE NOTE

In addition, you get to "improvise" in this piece by playing whatever "chord" you wish. Don't be shy. Experiment with any combination of notes from traditional triads to random notes in both hands. Be sure to:

1. keep the sustain pedal held down as indicated.
2. play your improvised chord PIANISSIMO (very soft).
3. hold it until the sound dies away.

Also see:

20th Century Music

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Site last updated: October 1, 2020