Class Piano
Resource Center


Level Two Goals

1. Play major, natural minor, and harmonic minor scales in Group I and Group II with steady tempo and correct fingering.

2. Play major, minor, and diminished triads on any note.

3. Establish a key (play Cadence #1) in all Major and Minor Keys through 5 accidentals.

4. Play assigned repertory pieces with acceptable proficiency.

5. Harmonize simple melodies using primary chords and secondary dominants (V7/V).

6. Continue to develop concepts of improvisation:

a. Improvise original melodies using chord tones, passing tones, and neighbor tones.

b. Embellish existing melodies with passing tones and neighbor tones.

c. Create simple arrangements (improvised) of familiar melodies (especially "Happy Birthday").

7. Transpose a single line (treble or bass clef) up and down a half step and whole step.

8. Continue to develop concepts of sight reading:

a. read from an interactive computer program, one note per second in a limited range
b. regularly practice simple sight reading repertory

9. Play simple technical exercises and continue to develop a sense of proper keyboard technique:

a. proper sitting position
b. concepts of good hand position and fingering
c. proper use of the sustain pedal
d. develop velocity in technical exercises
e. various touches (stacatto, legato)

10. Continue to develop concepts of style and musicianship.

a. expression
b. articulation
c. dynamics
d. tempo

© 2003 Class Piano Resource Center

Site last updated: October 1, 2020